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Last Update on
April 14, 2010


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Scripting the process - the power inside Filemaker

Below is the script that puts it all together

  1. First we set a variable which identifies the current record: $fmsernum
  2. then we find a data set for my iphone system and export them to iphone.xml for my iphone apps page
  3. next we do the same for the file news.xml which feeds the news.html page
  4. Then we find the record we started with using the var $fmsernum
  5. We set a global field with the name of the new graphic which is then used to upload the new graphic
  6. the next 3 lines of the script run with a parameter that lets the plugin upload the correct xml and graphic file.



Here is the script that calls the php code:


This how the magic happens.

Thanks for listening.


Filemaker Solutions Alliance