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Last Update on
April 14, 2010


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Scodigo PHP plugin - the power of PHP inside Filemaker

I began working with this plugin when I needed to automate the decryption of credit card info for transactions that had been downloaded from a web commerce system. It worked like a charm. I was presented with a challenge to automate the upload of html pages, xml data and graphic images for end users who would be bewildered by terms like xml and FTP. This program allowed me to completely automate the process and was the beginning of this technique.

Here is a small list from their web site of its capabilities:

scodigo1 Not too bad Huh?


Here is an example of the code called from within Filemaker, its not all the code but good enough for this example:

Basically it connects to my ftp server (I've omitted the lines that show name and password, a man's got to have a little security) changes directory and uploads the file iphone.xml


Next: Scripting the Process



Filemaker Solutions Alliance